Minggu, 16 Mei 2010

bus pariwisata dengan image kuda kuningan

image by: Balog

Bus Hino Rk 260 baru ini, siap meninggalkan pabrik bus karoseri TJU, berbekal lmage baru kuda kuningan ini, oleh operator besar dari kecamatan Luragung ini, segera di operasikan untuk membahagiakan para konsumen pariwisata Jawa barat.

Rabu, 05 Mei 2010

karoseri mula-mula

image by: balog

tourism bus timber

image by: balog

karoseri first in Indonesia have started to assemble the cart , the vehicle pull in by horses. In Dutch times, there are already factory karoseri specifically assemble a gig , these vehicles used to transport many of the postal and public transport.
The company was named fuch and rent , with headquarters and a garage in central jakarta harmony numbers now.